
Melamine Dinnerware Offers You A Lot, No Matter Where You Are!

Melamine dinnerware is nearly impossible to break and will stand up to just about anything. For Household purposes melamine provides   a wide range of fashionable designs. We offer many different types of melamine products, with melamine plates, melamine tray, melamine coasters, melamine bowls and melamine dish sets to choose from. You can select any style you like, no matter what your tastes are. Melamine is also a very affordable option, which makes it useful for anyone. Perfect For Pro’s With all the benefits that melamine dishes give your restaurant, they are well worth considering as a viable alternative to ceramic plates. Most people don’t think about how much plates and other dishes weigh, but for a commercial kitchen, it matters. The service staff has to handle plates all day, and the lighter, stronger plates that melamine creates will help your team to give their best performance. Instead of having to haul heavier ceramic plates, melamine plates reduce fatigue, and